Category: Research Articles
Reflective student narratives: honing professionalism and empathy
The affective domain is not explicitly targeted during medical studies and poor skills in this domain may lead to conflict when dealing with patients. Reflective narratives are said to promote humanitarianism and professional development. We aimed to examine reflective narratives written by medic...
Biobanking in the subcontinent: exploring concerns

Biobanking is an important tool for biomedical research. However, it raises a variety of ethical issues, which are compounded in the developing world. This paper is based on data from three sources on the ethical issues associated with biobanking, including a mixed method pilot study conducted...

Accelerated approval of drugs: ethics versus efficacy

To analyse the post-marketing status of molecules approved through the expedited review process in the last quintile


This observational study was ...

Healing ministry and palliative care in Christianity
Death is inevitable, but that does not mean it can be planned or imposed. It is an ethical imperative that we attend to the unbearable pain and suffering of patients with incurable and terminal illnesses. This is where palliative care plays a vital role. Palliative care has been growing faster in...
The jurisprudence of emergency medical care in India:…
This paper, which is part of a primary interdisciplinary doctoral research work with a qualitative research design, seeks to understand the ethical principles that intersect healthcare jurisprudence in litigations where citizens, who have encountered death or violations in the provision of critic...
Is MCI over emphasising publication for promotion of…
Over the past year, there has been constant debate in various journals on the circular issued by the Medical Council of India (MCI) in September 2015, regarding the requirements for promotion of teaching faculty. The lack of a time-bound promotion system of medical faculty results in higher stres...
Ten-minute snapshots – a team approach to teaching…
As medical professionals, most of us face professional dilemmas that catch us unawares and are not discussed in medical training. One often learns about these dilemmas on one's own and deals with them with a common sense approach, rather than reflection. The professional dilemmas may concern rece...
Harnessing the medical humanities for experiential learning
A month-long workshop on medical humanities was held in the Jorhat Medical College, Assam in September 2015. It employed experiential learning (both online and onsite) using humanities tools, such as the theatre of the oppressed, art, literature, reflective narratives, movies, the history of medi...
Sensitising intern doctors to ethical issues in a…
There is a felt need in India to influence the ethical behaviour of doctors by giving students formal education in ethics in medical colleges. Since internship is the interface between learning and independent practice, it is important to sensitise intern doctors to ethical issues in a doctor–pat...
Authorship criteria and reporting of ethical compliance in…
The "instructions to authors" of a total of 55 PubMed/MEDLINE indexed Indian biomedical journals were evaluated to assess the authorship criteria and guidance on reporting of research ethics including incorporation of recent updates. Thirty-seven (67.3%) journals recommended the ICMJE guidelines ...
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