Category: Research Articles
“Fever clinic duty” during Covid-19: through the eyes…
In this narrative, a teacher of physiology writes about her shifts at an out-patient fever clinic during the Covid-19 pandemic. Apart from describing the author’s own struggle during her return to a clinician’s role, the narrative reveals the anxieties, fears, challenges and stigma faced by patie...
Proposing a set of ethical guidelines for Iranian…
The code of ethical conduct for physiotherapy services must be compatible with the local culture. The ethical guidelines proposed here were developed through a literature review, focus group discussions, and finally a modified Delphi technique to achieve consensus after the data were analysed. At...
COMMENT: The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Act,…
Reform of the abortion laws in favour of the well-being of pregnant women is one aspect of the removal of gender discrimination. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act (MTP Act) 1971, was a breakthrough legislation in this regard, as it reduced the number of unsafe illegal abortions. With advan...
Addiction treatment in India: Legal, ethical and professional…
As per the Magnitude of Substance Use in India 2019 survey report, over 57 million of the Indian population is in need of professional help for alcohol use disorders and around 7.7 million for opioid use disorders. The increasing demand for addiction treatment services in India calls for professi...
Victims, villains and the rare hero: Analysis of…
The Indian media’s reportage of the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the State’s long-standing apathy towards low-income migrants and the structural neglect and violence faced by them in society. But how consistent were the country’s print media in reporting on this population group before the crisi...
Dispelling hope and leaving couples in a state…
Infertility is a condition that has an inherent cultural significance. In India, married couples with infertility face the brunt of speculations and certain demeaning identities are assigned to the women. Care-seeking options for infertility are deeply gendered. The availability of technologicall...
Profiles of institutional ethics committees and status of…
Limited data are available regarding institutional ethics committees (IECs) and their standard operating procedures (SOPs) in North East (NE) India. An attempt was made to study the profiles of IECs and the status of their SOPs in health research institutes of NE India. Fourteen biomedical and he...
Publications after conference presentations: A systematic review of…
Background and aims: Conferences provide an opportunity to present findings to an audience of experts in the field and get feedback for putting the research in context. Since conference proceedings provide limited space for presenting the findings, research publications are able to provide a bett...
Development and validation of the Iranian version of…
The aim of this study was to develop and psychometrically validate the Iranian scale of patient privacy and confidentiality. This methodological study was conducted in two stages: first, a conventional content analysis was used to qualitatively identify concepts of privacy and confidentiality. Th...
Systematic violations of patients’ rights and safety: Forced…
We assessed the records for 30 consecutive patients who had appealed decisions about forced medication with antipsychotics to the Psychiatric Appeals Board in Denmark. In all 21 cases where there was information about the effects of previous drugs, the psychiatrists stated that antipsychotics had...
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