Category: Research Articles
Knowing one’s death: philosophical considerations
Coming to know and accept one's impending death allows terminally ill persons to face their mortality without deception. While life as such is a constant race towards death, terminal illness brings one's own death closer to experience. Being in the face of death in this manner can be transformed ...
The unfair trade: Why organ sale is indefensible
This paper argues against the proposal of a system of compensated living donation in the global south, especially India, without recourse to essentialist ethics. It relies on the anti-essentialist ethical-ontology of Levinas for the claim that it is the concrete vulnerability of the suffering oth...
Nursing error: an integrated review of the literature
Nursing errors are complex and take place frequently in the care of patients. However, despite their significance, they have not been properly defined or addressed in the literature. This integrative review of the literature explored the concept of nursing error, explained its definitions and des...
A letter to the union minister of health
Request for appropriate response by the MOHFW to the illogical and distorted manner in which Medical Council of India is seeking to interpret clause 6.8 of the Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002.
Workshop on Promoting Professionalism and Ethical Practices in…
After almost a year of preparation and planning, the Workshop on Promoting professionalism and ethical practices in medicine was finally held on January 10, 2014, in Kolkata. It brought together Indian doctors from overseas, who were in Kolkata for the GAPIO annual conference (, with...
The attitudes of nursing students to euthanasia
One of the most common morally controversial issues in endof-life care is euthanasia. Examining the attitudes of nursing students to this issue is important because they may encounter situations related to euthanasia during their clinical courses. The aim of our study was to examine nursing stude...
Ethical attitudes of nursing students at Shahid Beheshti…
An ethical attitude denotes motivation and commitment in practice and is an important aspect of human communication. Values guide the efforts of human beings towards helping those in need, and an ethical attitude revives values and turns them into action. As a result, an ethical attitude and a se...
Ethics in occupational health and safety: case studies…
Rapid industrialisation in India is giving employment to millions of people in the formal sector, and many more in the unorganised sector. However, the absence of clear policies, poorly enforced regulations, lack of systematic reporting of occupational diseases, lamentable socioeconomic condition...
Impact of recent regulatory notifications on an institutional…
The Government of India came out with a slew of notifications to streamline clinical research in the beginning of 2013 in response to the Supreme Court's orders and a Parliamentary Standing Committee's report. The notifications greatly influenced the structure, review process, outcomes and admini...
Why mistreatment of medical students is not reported…
Mistreatment of medical students is a major source of stress for them. Studies indicate a high incidence of such mistreatment, especially in clinical settings. In most cases, students who have been mistreated do not report it to the authorities. This study investigated factors related to the fail...
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