Category: Research Articles
Guidelines for laparoscopic surgery
In developing countries the demands of laparoscopic surgery on the entire operating team are indeed heavy. Financial stringency imposes a burden which calls for reserves of equanimity, determination and commitment to one's belief in the benefits of laparoscopic surgery. Every avenue of innovation...
Commercial Support for Cdntinuing Medical Education
I (MBM) recently gave a talk on sleep' disorders at a small community hospital as part of their continuing medical education (CME) activity for their staff. I was offered a small honorarium for this. Prior to my talk, I received a letter from the hospital asking me if I had a significant financia...
Human values in genetics and embryo experiments
Medical science and technology have made great strides in recent times. The ethical values amidst the various achievements have to be evaluated as science tends to progress in isolation. In a recent conference of the WHO, in Tokyo, in which I was also privileged to participate representing India,...
Reproductive health care for women: a saga of…
The health care scenario for women, especially apropos reproductive health, is highly exploitative, with extensive human rights violations. Women are treated as expendable entities.
Patients testing positive for HIV — ethical dilemmas…
Persons testing positive for infection by HIV or showing evidence of AIDS provoke revulsion and fear in medical doctors. These reactions stem from the general knowledge that the diagnosis of AIDS is akin to a death sentence and the belief that a positive HIV test is, inevitably, followed by the d...
South African code of ethics in HIV and…
These HIV/AIDS guidelines are changing as new evidence and experience evolves. While the ethical principles themselves are fairly static, the interpretation of these principles changes as new information adjusts the balance between often conflicting principles.
Thoughts and perceptions of a medical student far…
I am studying for my M. D. degree here in Pecs, Hungary. Currently I am in my fourth year of medical training and over the years I have learnt and seen a lot about the medical profession. Medicine is probably one of the most noble professions. Medical practitioners are considered amongst the most...
Medical ethics in India: ancient and modern (II)
The Government of India and its people are concerned with the increase in population. One method proposed to control it is that of incentives and disincentives - incentives to those who subject themselves to sterilisation and disincentives to those who are not willing to undergo sterilisation. Su...
Smallpox – some unknown heroes in smallpox eradication
On May 8, 1980 the 33rd World Health Assembly formally declared that 'the world and all its people have won freedom from small pox'. In May, 1996 the 49th World Health Assembly adopted a resolution recommending that 'remaining stocks of variola virus, including all smalIpox viruses, viral genomic...
Socio-political aspects of high-tech medical care
The sociologist's view of medicine as a practising profession and as a societal institution is eclectic and still not fully developed. The range of issues subjected to their inquiry depend on the social and cultural milieu of the community under consideration. Advances in bio-medical technology, ...
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