Category: Research Articles
Surrogacy and human reproductive biology
Recently, the headline 'Rent a womb' highlighted the plea of a woman from Chandigarh to legitimise her surrogacy for a woman who could not conceive. The couple was so anxious to have a child that they were ready to adopt one. Nirmala Devi, who worked for them as a maid, decided to offer her womb ...
HIV and women – some thoughts
AIDS no longer is an affliction of any particular group. Estimates reveal that women are being increasingly affected, and the infection rate among women is equal to that among men.
Sponsorships for medical specialists
"While returning from my morning walk, I saw a bird in a cage. It reminded me of people imprisoned in prejudices. Prejudices are also cages, very subtle and self created. First we create them, then becoming imprisoned in them, we lose all capacity to fly in the open sky of truth. And just now I s...
‘Evidence’ based medicine: the need for a close…
Ad-hocism is rife in the medical profession in India. We seem to keep abreast of current medical knowledge from the information received from medical representatives and from industry-sponsored conferences. There is no programme for continuing medical education worth its name. Very few doctors ta...
The new genetics and ethics
I am honoured to have been invited to deliver this annual lecture in memory of Shri B. V. Narayana Reddy. My earliest recollection of Shri Narayana Reddy is of meeting him, almost forty years ago, with my father who had taken me to what everyone used to call 'Mysore Bank'. To my adolescent eyes, ...
Second Opinion: Is it desirable?
Second opinion refers to the practice of a second physician evaluating the patient for the same medical problem to give another opinion on the diagnosis or the proposed plan of care. The patient, the physician or a third party payer such as a private insurance company or the government may seek a...
The ethics of medical referral
The changing relationship between doctors and patients has undergone a sea change in the last sixty years. The old family physician is fast disappearing, no longer friend, philosopher and guide.
The need for education on a moral debate
Starting an ethical discussion proves to be a difficult task. At the University of Utrecht, Netherlands, students are introduced to medical ethics during the second year of medical studies. The objectives of this course are to define moral problems, to formulate precise arguments and to analyse t...
Learning and teaching outside the medical colleges
Science and medical technology have progressed tremendously whilst medical text books are not, really, keeping up with these advances. Medical students, thus, find it difficult to keep their knowledge updated. Under such circumstances, students look up to their teachers (honorary and full-time) i...
Ethical problems in medical education
Medical ethics is merely one branch of general ethics, therefore it would be wrong to divorce ethics in medicine from the ethics of everyday life. Professor Dunstan gives a succint but good definition of medical ethics- "obligations of a moral nature which govern the practice of medicine" .
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