Category: Letters
Ethics in the Covid-19 emergency: Examining rationing decisions
Early last month, the Italian Society of Anaesthesia was forced to publish the above guideline (1) for the country’s hospitals. Besides the rising cases of infection, the doctors realised that patients required up to 15-20 days of intensive care as the disease progressed (2). In the face of medic...
The Covid-19 panic and the global North-South divide…
J Krishnamurti, a renowned philosopher, describes fear as the transition from the convictions of the Known to the flux of the Unknown1. The weakening of the interspecies transmission barrier between the animal and human interface has strengthened this fear. Consequently, our impulsive selves have...
Ethics of electronic tagging of dementia patients
Dementia is one of the most common neuropsychiatric disorders seen in old age with accompanying memory loss, aggressive behaviour, sleep problems and wandering behaviour with confusion. Many patients with dementia may be all alone at home with a domestic help and no family caregiver for most of t...
Paradise under siege: Healthcare elusive under Kashmir lockdown
The famous poet, Amir Khusro, said of Kashmir: “If there is heaven on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here”. That heaven and crown of India has been under siege now for over four months.
Globalising artificial intelligence for improved clinical practice
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are facilitating the work of modern healthcare organisations to leverage the power of big data in clinical practice. In most cases, AI-based systems improve clinical decision-making using multiple layers of information and pre-specified algorithms. In add...
Response to “Casteism in a medical college: A…
I was a student of the Government Medical College (GMC), Nagpur, from 1970 to1975. Based on my own experiences, I agree completely with Anurag Bhargava’s comments regarding casteism at GMC Nagpur (1). Caste stigma gets attached to you early in life and stays with you till you reach the grave. I a...
Not a case for social triage
I request the author of the letter “Institutions should take responsibility for student suicides” to refrain from passing unwarranted judgement on a matter that is still before the courts. It is premature to implicate the medical education system and its institutions for a possible role in the un...
Institutions should take responsibility for student suicides
I was greatly saddened to hear the news of a young resident, Dr Payal Tadvi, committing suicide at the BYL Nair Hospital and Topiwala Medical College in Mumbai. However, it is heartening to see that some fellow students, her family and the Tadvi Bhil community have made this issue public and are ...
Baby talcum powder: Safety and accountability concerns
There is nothing unethical about a business house making profit. It is their dharma. But their products should always be beneficial to end users and certainly not cause them harm. It is important to follow the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence, particularly in the pharmaceutical and a...
Response of the authors to the Letter “Concerns…
Response of the authors to the Letter “Concerns with regard to an article” published online on April 5, 2019 (DOI: 10.20529/IJME.2019.014) on the IJME website.
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