Category: Letters
Addressing stigma and discrimination in the Covid-19 pandemic:…
The Covid-19 pandemic continues to stalk the globe, ever since the first outbreak in December 2019. Variants of concern and fear of subsequent pandemic waves continue to challenge every nation. The virus has caught communities off-guard many times with grave consequences.
Pandemic profiteering during the second wave of Covid-19
The first wave of the Covid pandemic saw us facing acute shortages of masks, personal protective equipment, and sanitisers, with even toilet paper disappearing from store shelves. But the Indian small manufacturers seized the opportunity and by the end of last year, we had enough PPE and masks to...
Harmonising terminology with MedDRA for plain language summaries
Human volunteers are key stakeholders in any clinical research. For inclusiveness it is ethically imperative to ensure data transparency even after the completion of clinical trials. This is also supported by the Declaration of Helsinki, which in a statement of ethical principles, provides guidan...
Positive impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on dental…
This letter describes some positive effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on dental education in India. The apex body of dental education, the Dental Council of India (DCI) has formulated some universal guidelines based on those of the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about the use of pe...
Has the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation had…
Is the lack of action by the World Health Organization (WHO) against the growing global obesity and diabetes epidemics influenced by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's pharmaceutical investments and knowledge creation? Diabetes Type-2 is increasing globally and is a serious health risk
Timely use of Covid-19 vaccines could have saved…
Earlier we, TJJ and DD, had written in IJME, that during the pandemic with high case-fatality in those above 65 and younger adults with chronic lung, heart or kidney diseases or diabetes, vaccination must be administered early as a life-saving procedure (1). It was pointed out that protection del...
Do authorship disputes deter Indian medical students from…
Medicine, being an ever-expanding field, makes it crucial for doctors-in-training to understand research and its methodology and translate this into their clinical practice. However, in India, the response of medical students and residents in adopting this has been sluggish, primarily owing to hi...
Urgent need to tackle Covid-19 impact on academic…
The government of India imposed a strict nationwide lockdown on March 24, 2020, to arrest the spread of Covid-19 (1). Abiding by the government regulations, several educational institutions including those in healthcare, postponed or cancelled several academic activities to curb the spread of the...
The Covid-19 uncertainty and ethical dilemmas in dental…
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected dental practice globally. Proximity with patients and predominance of aerosol-generating procedures has raised concerns regarding the safety of dentists and patients alike. The near-total, yet inevitable, suspension of dental practice has raised several ethical ...
Angry email to Reviewer #2
Thank you for submitting your review comments on my diligently drafted manuscript. I appreciate the opportunity to evaluate your review but unfortunately (highlighted so you get the gist of this email and don’t jump for joy prematurely), your reviews seem to lack the optimism I was looking for. <...
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