Category: Letters
I have been reading Medical Ethics regularly. I find the issues tackled are topical. We should continue the newsletter at all cost.
Mandatory testing for AIDS
Legislation has been proposed in New York for compulsory testing of the newborn for HIV infection. The parents would be informed if the baby showed a positive test. It sounds simple and logical.
Premature termination of volume two of this journal
By pure chance we started publication of Medical Ethics in August 1993. Initially intended to serve as a newsletter, we have now set our sights on graduating into a full-fledged journal.
Medical Ethics
Congratulations (on the production of Medical Ethics). I know how much courage and decency it takes to fight for some degree of moral order in health care. It would certainly be much easier and advantageous to close the eyes and not be 'trouble-makers'.
‘When medicine went mad…’
I would very much appreciate a copy of 'When medicine went mad... '. Bioethics and the holocaust.Could you kindly arrange to send it to me by Value Paid Post?
Keyhole surgery
You have been doing an excellent job of publishing Medical Ethics.
Hospitals become slaughter houses

Will you, please, permit a sick, lone crusader of 80
to voice some deeply felt hurt?

Letters to the Editor
...We have been actively engaged in the Medical Audit of patient care in our hospital for the last 6 years... Our problems of medical ethics vary from lack of human emotional approach to greed for money; over treatment and over investigation; multiple consultations and visits; gross negligence an...
Letters to the Editor

We were happy to see the first issue of Medical Ethics and have some suggestions to offer: What is the chief role you envisage for this newsletter? Is it information, education, a commentary on current practices or a forum for discussion? It may be best to define this and orient it accordingly...

Letters to the Editor
...The problem of fault compensation referred to in the first issue of Medical Ethics is a continuing one. It is certainly one that I am interested in myself and... think that no fault damage incurred in non- therapeutic research should be compensated without the need to prove medical negligence....
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