Category: Letters
Sensationalist medical reporting
Newspaper reports on medical issues are usually lopsided. They often give the impression that they have been planted by doctors to advance personal interests, with the help of friendly media people. It is rare to read well-researched medical information in the public interest.
Trials not reviewed by UNAIDS
The article by Ronald Bayer on placebo-controlled clinical trials for HIV is a thoughtful and well-crafted analysis of the ethical issues prompted by those trials. However, the article contains an error that should be corrected. Bayer writes that the placebo-controlled studies of HIV transmission...
Tuberculosis in chronic conflict areas
As an M.Sc. student in public health for developing countries at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, I am currently working on a dissertation which examines the management of tuberculosis in countries experiencing prolonged armed conflicts. The choice of topic is based on personal...
Dental council elections
After the CPA has been made applicable to doctors there has been a lot of debate on the effectiveness of the functioning of medical and dental councils. In this regard, it would be interesting to know how the dental council has being functioning.
Assessment of disability
Dr. Nagral has raised a doubt on the legality of assessment of disablement as per the criteria given in this book. The Workmen's Compensation Act of 1923, in its section 4-1-C-(ii), has clearly explained that the disabilities not covered by Schedule I given in the Act are to be considered as per ...
Doctor-doctor ethics
In reference to your article on the ethical relationship between doctors, I would like to make some comments: Regarding the professional services physicians provide to each other, the fact is that when a doctor approaches a specialist for himself or his family, the specialist assumes he must trea...
Sponsored medical education
Dr Sanjay Nagral has raised a pertinent point in his editorial on sponsored medical education. Sports and cultural events are most vulnerable to such sponsorship. Go-between entrepreneurs called 'event managers' organise such sponsorships as commercial ventures, managing beauty contest shows one ...
The patient with AIDS
I congratulate you on publishing a readable journal which will raise the concerns of practicing doctors about inescapable ethical mention of their activities.
Hysterectomy in mentally handicapped
When I read about the removal of uterus from mentally handicapped women both in your newsletter (February-April 1994) and in the British Medical Journal (26 February 1994). I was hoping to find an outright condemnation of this practice by the Form for Medical Ethics. I was surprised and disappoin...
Suggested guidelines for hysterectomy
I had promised to send you a response to the Suggested guidelines for hysterectomy... (Medical Ethics May-July,When I actually started formulating it, I found that the statement we have prepared on behalf of the group named Paryay appropriately conveys my message...
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