Category: Letters
Media portrayal of health professionals biased?
Over the last few years, the media have been repeatedly focusing on corruption in healthcare. Sometimes, speakers on television channels fling allegations at the entire medical community. This biased picture of pervasive corruption is resented by a majority of doctors.
Corruption in health systems: view from Peru
Corruption is defined as the misuse or betrayal of public trust, in order to achieve a personal or private goal, instead of seeking the best for the community or country. This is a serious problem for health systems in many places. It could lead to a waste of resources, and, even worse, to utterl...
Void in the sphere of wisdom: a distorted…
Homosexuality is not a new issue in western medical literature; but an empathetic approach to it in the medical literature in India is a recent phenomenon. Equality in providing healthcare is not being practised, as evidenced by homophobia among doctors, more so in the Indian sub-continent where ...
Looking away does not make things vanish
We wish to comment on the report by Al Faisal and colleagues published in The Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. In that report, the authors claim that economic sanctions imposed in 2011 were the reason behind the devaluation of the local currency, interruption of power supply, scarcity of medical...
Of poor patients and callous doctors
Our country is moving fast towards becoming a developed nation; but are we able to follow the standards of conduct of a developed nation in our government hospitals? I am concerned with the behaviour of medical personnel in government hospitals.
The ethics of disability language
There has been a gradual evolution of terminology commonly used in health-related or disability-related contexts. Not so long ago, we used the term "normal" thoughtlessly. Looking deeper, what is normal? Two people under the same circumstances behave differently. Who then decides what is "normal"?
After supersession of The Medical Council of India
After the arrest of the then president of the Medical Council of India (MCI) and president elect of the World Medical Association, Dr Ketan Desai, in April 2010, the MCI was superseded by a Board of Governors for one year under the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Ordinance 2010, notified in Th...
Disability-selective abortion: denying human rights to make a…
This is with reference to the article on the impact of UNCRPD on the status of persons with disabilities by Smitha Nizar. I appreciate the author's take on the controversial issue of disability-selective abortions. The article discusses the ethical dilemmas of using medical technologies to termin...
Surreptitious use of disulfiram
Disulfiram is one of the most important drugs used in the management of alcohol use disorders . It is of significance as a treatment modality especially in low and middle income countries like India, as it is a cheaper pharmacological option compared to other medications like naltrexone and acamp...
What’s in a name? Anomalies in medical degrees
Of the many medical degrees available in our country, this letter focuses on the anomaly in two medical degrees (MD/DM), both of which expand into Doctor of Medicine, according to the Medical Council of India(MCI). The MCI offers DM/MCh and the National Board of Examinations offers DNB (super-spe...
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