Category: Letters
Scientific sanctions: a catastrophe for the civilised world
Nowadays, Iranians are being subjected to the strictest sanctions ever imposed against a country. The political deadlock between six international powers and Iranian officials has resulted in a proliferation of sanctions touching all aspects of Iranian activities. Economic sanctions have caused i...
Is dengue fever today a man-made disaster? An…
I faced a serious ethical dilemma while attending a couple of cases of dengue fever at a ward in the Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) area during September 2013. Two patients had tested positive for dengue IgM antibody by MAC ELISA. Adjacent to their house was a vacant plot of around 1500 sq f...
Medical Council of India – the debate goes…
An editorial by Dr George Thomas in IJME rightly points out the flaws in the constitution of the Medical Council of India (MCI). Amendments are made over and over again, but the need of the hour is to make real changes in the existing system. The conduct of the elections and government control ov...
Starvation of children in Syria – sanctions and…
As Syria completes two years of western sanctions (2011–13), their dramatic effects on health are being highlighted with first reports of starvation deaths among children in the suburbs of Damascus. Although heavy fighting has taken place in this area, experts had predicted for some ...
Practical issues in implementation of WMA’s draft Declaration…
The working group of the World Medical Association (WMA) has published a revised draft of the Declaration of Helsinki for public consultation till June 15, 2013. There are many positive changes in the document with respect to compensation, education of investigators, informed consent in the case ...
Disparities in pay of medical teachers all over…
While most professions have national level bodies governing the pay structure of their teachers, there is no functional body to govern the pay of medical teachers. The result is that the net pay of teachers in the central institutions (such as AIIMS, and the medical colleges of Chandigarh U...
Breaking bad news in the paediatric ICU: need…
Communicating with the parents of children who are extremely sick or dying in the intensive care unit (ICU) is an extremely challenging task. The physician in charge of intensive care, apart from administering the routine medical treatment, has other vital roles to play, such as communicating the...
The medical trade
It is disturbing to hear the numerous revelations of malpractice and ethical lapses committed by members of the medical profession. Technology is often misused, with patients being made to undergo unnecessary examinations, hospitalisation and even surgery. In many small nursing homes, doctors hav...
An insight into the medical humanities
JME has rightly focused on the medical humanities with a view to sensitising doctors towards their duties and responsibilities as well as towards an awareness of patients as human beings, to be treated with dignity. The articles related to medical humanities emphasise the need to include...
Institutional ethics committees and stem cell research
The Indian Council of Medical Research, Department of Biotechnology has issued draft guidelines for stem cell research in 2012. A thorough discussion among ethics committee members is necessary to improve these guidelines.
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