Category: Letters
A drift in medical education
A professor of surgery of the Madras Medical College was arrested in Andhra Pradesh for demanding Rs. 25,000 to pass a candidate for the postgraduate degree in surgery. This has blown the lid off a long-suppressed scandal in medical examinations in Tamilnadu. For near on to three decades now, it ...
Unkind cuts
In January 2000, the Bangalore Neurological Society organised an oration named after Dr RM Verma, one of India's great neurosurgeons and the pioneering spirit behind the NIMHANS. The society honoured Dr Sunil K Pandya, who needs no introduction to the readers of this journal, by inviting him to b...
Pharmaceutical surveys
An agency called C MARC (2 Bhaskar Mansion, 31 Sitladevi Temple Road, Mahim, Mumbai 400 016) sent its representative to 'survey' doctors regarding the kind of prescriptions that are written against a type of disease/disorder/condition. The aim is to collect 100 successive prescriptions from one d...
Ethics in private hospitals
Recent times have seen a great spurt in the growth of privately, owned hospitals (including private trusts) in our city. Most of these start with noble ideas of providing advanced medical treatment to our citizens. Some even have collaborations with major hospitals of global fame. After a few yea...
Hepatitis B campaigns
Two and a half years ago, we put out a press release jointly signed by health professionals and voluntary organisations, excerpts of which are reproduced below:
Routine medical circumcision
I am an American social worker seeking information on the ethics of routine medical circumcision. I find lots of medical arguments for and against the practice, but almost nothing on its ethics.
HBV vaccine: need for debate
It is learnt that the central government is about to include Hepatitis B vaccination in the Expanded Programme of Imunisation. The Expenditure Finance Committee has recommended an allotment of Rs. 2,825 crore during the Ninth Plan for this purpose. This decision involves an annual expenditure of ...
A campaign to take on corrupt medical practice
Suggestions for IME
I feel bad that the journal, which is perhaps the only representative of any remnants of ethical core of health care in India, is floundering due to problems with funds.
Banned formulations
The government of India has banned certain combinations of medicines as being non- rational and one among them is a fixed-dose combination of dextropropoxyphene with any other drug other than anti-spasmodics and/or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
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