Category: Letters
The human cadaver: the silent teacher of human…
At the medical school where one of us was teaching, a first year medical student came running out of the anatomy class, saying that he could not bear to see a dead body. The smell of formalin and the cadaver disturbed him. He felt that he had joined the medical field to see life, not a dead human...
Boundary violations in patient care: need for evolving…
The article by Kurpad, Machado and Galgali focuses on an issue which has probably not been discussed in Indian academic medical journals earlier. Nonsexual and sexual boundary violations (NSBV and SBV) certainly occur frequently in doctor-patient relations and this is confirmed by data from the a...
Proud to be the son of a mentally…
I am a 63-year-old professor who has taught medical students for the past 35 years. My mother is mentally retarded. I always had the feeling that I missed my mother's love for me. I could see glimpses of her love and concern for me during spurts of her longing to see me when I was away from home.
Do we need two systems for postgraduate medical…
The articles on the National Board of Examination (NBE) were informative. We would like to draw attention to the farcical manner in which the entry to the Diplomate of the National Board (DNB) is conducted. Admissions to MD/MS programmes are based on the candidate's performance and rank in the en...
Why raise questions on the “ethics” of the…
I congratulate your team on publishing the article: "Was the Gadchiroli trial ethical? Response from the principal investigator". Abhay Bang raised some practical questions for discussion with the international community. The following are my views in response to this article:
Delay in publications: new authors and editorial misconduct
An amendment by the Medical Council of India, in 2009, has introduced, as a criterion for early academic promotion, a compulsory minimum number of publications.
Seeking information on doctors and advertising
I would like to approach the readership of your journal through these columns in order to explore an issue that is assuming alarming proportions here in Pakistan. It has become commonplace for physicians here to appear in commercials, directly or indirectly promoting products.
Informed consent needs information
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a pathology seen in middle aged or elderly males and can present with painful acute urinary retention warranting immediate relief through per urethral insertion of a Foleys Catheter. Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TURP) is considered the gold standard f...
Globalising the rot within?
Dr Pandya in his hard-hitting commentary, "Medical Council of India: the rot within", characterises the problems plaguing the council. The Medical Council of India (MCI) is entrusted with supervising the quality of medical education in the country and promoting medical ethics; but such has been t...
Safety and ethical issues of bare hand cadaver…
Dissection is not only a skill, but also an art that is identified as the signature of a surgeon. Besides the surgeon, all medical practitioners exhibit their proficiency, or the lack of it, while performing procedures such as the draining of an abscess, removal of a cyst, venesection, and so on....
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