Category: Letters
Through a nurse’s eyes
I sincerely appreciate the editorial "Life and Death after Aruna Shanbaug" written by Dr Roop Gursahani in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics (IJME) dated April-Jun 2011.
Euthanasia: ethical risks
I have read the review of the film Guzaarish by Dr Natasha Anwar in IJME, January 2011. I have not seen the film but would like to put forward my views on the subject of euthanasia, taking off from the concluding sentence of the review.
Medical insurance: promoting unethical practices?
We appreciate the authors of your illustrative and interesting articles on health care insurance in India for their lucid handling of issues in the medical insurance sector. While the health insurance sector in India is still at a nascent stage and has to meet enormous challenges, insurance polic...
Challenges of collaborative research
In 2009, as a supplement to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) -funded collaboration between the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the NIH, a formative study was conducted with 30 HIV-positive people and 18 HIV-related service providers to understand sexual risk-taking, HIV-related...
Doctor v/s doctor: always a lose-lose game
Doctors are only human. On occasion, ethics takes the backseat, sometimes unintentionally, sometimes 'intentionally'.
Don’t use great people to sell your drug
There are various methods by which physicians can be influenced by pharmaceutical companies: through drug representatives, free lunches, industry-sponsored trips to exotic locations, gifts, research funds, free conference registration, consulting fees for participation as a guest speaker, financi...
Women in the healthcare system
The comment on the manner in which women are treated in healthcare facilities like others critiquing doctors' behaviour, comes from researchers in health management. Tragically, doctors don't seem to take notice of this problem. It may be that they are too busy curing the ill to notice the human,...
The Clinical Establishment Act, 2010: need for transparency
The article on the Indian Medical Association and the Clinical Establishment Act (CEA), 2010, was well written and showed the author's grasp of the state of affairs in the bureaucracy. The opposition to the CEA is largely because of private practitioners' fear of extortion in the hands of 'babus'...
White coated corruption: time to begin even with…
This refers to a thought provoking article by Vijay Mahajan and a commentary by Arun Sheth.What both authors have stated is, unfortunately, true. Dr Sheth's comments reflect the hopelessness of the situation, as he does not suggest any remedial steps except "time-tested, age-old golden practices ...
Are doctors justified in refusing to give emergency…
Every doctor has been called upon, at some time, to provide emergency life saving treatment, especially in road accident cases. Unfortunately, doctors are often reluctant to attend to emergencies, harbouring apprehensions about having to visit police stations, being called to court repeatedly as ...
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