Category: Discussions
Homeopathy or allopathy? Is the present debate related…
The recent decision of the government of Maharashtra to allow doctors trained in homeopathy to prescribe allopathic medicines has created an intense controversy. This issue has been raised a number of times in the last few years because of various government decisions and court judgements. Howeve...
Homeopaths can prescribe allopathic medicines
The Homeopathic Integrated Medical Practitioners Association, Maharashtra (HIMPAM) has praised the government's decision to allow homeopaths to prescribe allopathic medicines.
Homeopathy, allopathy and quackery…
It may be understood that suturing ounds and giving intravenous fluids in emergencies could be allowed to be done by homeopaths in rural areas, with no allopath around. However, that does not mean that every homeopath who attends a six-month crash course in pharmacology should prescribe allopathi...
When the patient wants to try another system…
Complementary or alternate systems of medicine are being practiced all over the world. In our country, we have a long tradition of alternate systems of medicine, such as ayurveda, unani, homeopathy, etc., which are recognised by law and the government. In addition, we also have newer, novel thera...
A violation of citizens’ rights : The health…

Tuberculosis was recognised by the new government of independent India in 1947 as one of the country's biggest public health problems. Interventions were introduced in 1948. This formed part of the government's constitutional mandate and pledge to protect and promote the health and well being ...

Public health, ethics, and tuberculosis
Since 1993, directly observed therapy short course (DOTS) has been adapted and tested in India on more than 200 lakh population in various parts of the country, with excellent results. This comprehensive strategy has been incorporated into India's Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (...
Tuberculosis and prisons
Throughout the world societies deprive individuals of their liberty in response to real or perceived misdemeanors. Such persons are held in a number of institutions, their names varying from country to country, and according to what stage of the judicial system these persons are passing through. ...
Ethics in the clinical practice of integral medicine
Ethics in the medical practice of Allopathy has been a subject of innumerable debates, seminars and conferences. But the ethical issues at the interface and overlap of Allopathy and Ayurveda have received scant attention so far. India is the world leader in pluralism of medicine, with more than h...
Working in two systems
Being interested in the possibility and implications of a different knowledge system, one of us (Anuradha Veeravalli) had read parts of Carakasamhita, an Ayurvedic text, in translation. Its understanding of health, disease, treatment and pharmacopia was fundamentally different. For insta...
Biomedicine, Ayurveda and women
In this paper I will examine Biomedicine and Ayurveda and their approach to women. I will argue that despite the vast differences between these two systems, and their concepts of man, they treat women similarly. So, even though ethics plays different roles in each system, neither ethical discours...
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