Vol , Issue Date of Publication: September 18, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20529/IJME.2024.060

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The dire struggle: India’s unfulfilled promise to eliminate tuberculosis

Prajna Anirvan
In 2023, as per the World Health Organization (WHO), India emerged as the country with the highest number of tuberculosis (TB) cases, reporting 2.8 million cases and contributing to 27% of the global TB burden [1]. Worldwide, there were 7.5 million newly diagnosed TB cases in 2022, marking the highest figure since global monitoring began in 1995 [1]. Although an estimated 410,000 people worldwide developed multidrug-resistant TB, less than half of them commenced treatment within the same year [1].

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©Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2024: Open Access and Distributed under the Creative Commons license ( CC BY-NC-ND 4.0),
which permits only non-commercial and non-modified sharing in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.

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